Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer 09'

this summer, i'm taking an an upper div econ100: Intermediate Micro Theory and stats108: Applied Statistical Methods: Regression Analysis. concepts i think are straight forward for both, but just a lot of homework and midterms.

besides from that: the Warriors drafted Stephen Curry.

With or without a possible trade, and maybe a free agent via the mid level exception, the Warriors are heading back to the playoffs. How can we not win with this line-up:

C Biedrins
PF Wright
SF Azubuike
SG Jackson
PG Ellis
6th Maggette
7th Turiaf
8th Curry

or this line-up could be different with a trade for someone like Bosh/Amar'e and/or a free agent like Marion,Bass, and Leon Powe.

The Athletics are in last place in our division, and it seems like we might trade Holiday. But hopefully we could sign him back, but being an A's fan, I don't want to get my hopes up.
The Raiders drafted Darrius Heyward-Bey over Michael Crabtree. Hopefully the Raiders know what they are doing.

some cool vids:

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