Tuesday, October 21, 2008

16 Players on Warriors Roster

So, as of OCT 21, the GS Warriors have 16 players and only 15 are allowed to be on the team. So that mean someone has to go. It will most likely be one of the three rookies, Demarcus Nelson, Rob Kurz, Richard Hendrix, or Anthony Morrow. All four have potential. Nelson I think the Warriors will keep, because I heard Nelson wanting three point guards until Ellis returns. So that leaves Kurz, Hendrix or Morrow. I think it will be either Hendrix or Kurz, just because Warriors might not want 7 big men on the team the other five being Andris, Turiaf, Al, Wright, and Randolph. Those five will most likely be in uniform opening night. And I think that only one big man is needed for the three remaining spsots. But if I were choosing, I would not know what to do. Kurz is like another Croshere, a guy who can defend, and shoot the three, while Hendrix, by looking at his stats, he seems like a very good rebounder and shot blocker. But then again, it could be Morrow if Kurz doesn't get cut because I am not sure if the Warriors are willing to let go a second round pick.

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